part 1

Let's tackle the Biomedical Sciences together!

part 2

Soar through the Clinical Sciences!

Wellness Program


Your brain is a glucose-craving machine. It uses a lot of glucose, along with vitamins, minerals, water, and fats. That is why several studies have shown that increasing your calories before taking a test may increase your score (National Bureau of Economic Research), but it should be the right kind of calories. There are many resources available that can advise you on what to eat before an exam, but most of them agree on a few key rules:

✓ Complex carbohydrates are your friend: Complex carbohydrates help you to avoid a “crash” mid-way through the day. Examples include whole wheat breads or pasta.

✓ Protein: Protein provides energy through blood sugar maintenance. Sources of protein include meats as well as diary.

✓ Fats slow digestion: Slow digestion ensures that your body can absorb more vitamins. While some fats should be avoided (such as trans fats), not all fats are a detriment to your health. Exceptions include monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. For example, avocados are an excellent source of healthy fats that help with long-term energy production.

✓ Say “Yes” to Omega-3: Omega-3 oils help functions that are important for test taking. They are necessary for learning, concentration, and memory, and have even been shown to prevent surges in stress hormones. Sources include anything from several different fish species (salmon) to nuts (walnuts).

✓ Avoid too much sugar: Sugar hides in almost everything, and too much of it can cause increases in cravings and blood sugar spikes. Additionally, it can increase nervousness and interfere with your ability to focus.


What Dr. Arshadi’s students say about his Transformation Program

It is such a gift and a blessing that Divine Herbalism recognizes and integrates stress management into their course. I have begun incorporating several of the mindfulness tips into my day and as a result my practice test scores have been increasing substantially. I am leaving the program with more confidence in myself.

Former Student

I took a practice exam yesterday and I did very, very well! It’s the first time I have ever taken a test like that. I felt so centered and aware of myself during the test. I was also able to remain focused on the task at hand, which has always been such a struggle for me. I know that all of your amazing guidance has begun to help me release the knowledge I have stored in my brain. I can never ever thank you enough for helping me through this and being so encouraging

Former Student

The Stress Management Transformation Class prepares me for the week. I start my week more focused, relaxed and my mind is clear allowing me to reach my maximum potential!

Former Student

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Success is no accident. It’s hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are aiming to accomplish.


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